Resources for Cites on Tour - London!

London Orientation

            A Tale of Two Cities with Dan Cruickshank (56 minutes)

                        Notes from "A Tale of Two Cities"

            1) Tourist map of London

            2)  Another tourist map of London

            On-line interactive map of London:



British Museum


                        The Early British Empire (1497-1783)  (10 minutes)

                                    Notes:  Christianity (Civilization), Colonialism (Expansion), money

                                                    gold/silver in new world, indentured servants, slaves

                                                The Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge

                                                    founded, November, 1660

            The Origin of the British Museum

                        258 Years of the British Museum  (3 minutes)

                                    Notes:  Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753)

                                                    received into the Royal Society at age of 24

                                                    received into the Royal College of Physicians at the age of 27

                                                    donated 71,000 articles for the start of the museum

            The British World of the British Museum

                                    Note:  Museum opened its doors in January, 1759

                        The Late British Empire (1783-1997)  (10 minutes)

            British Museum resources




                        The British Museum, A Biblical Tour (1’26”)


                        Through the British Museum with the Bible, DayOne pub.


Guided Tour of London

            Buckingham Palace

                        Introduction to Buckingham Palace  (4 minutes, 15 sec.)


            The Palace of Westminster

                        A Descriptive Account of the Palace of Westminster

                                Part 1        Part 2        Part 3

                        Palace of Westminster  with Dan Cruickshank (52 minutes)

                        map of the Palace of Westminster


            Westminster Abbey

                        Edited BBC series  (1 hour, 41 minutes)

                        Two Warriors buried in the Abbey  (11 minutes)


                        Westminster Abbey Drawings


                        Be Aware: You will not be able to take pictures inside the Abbey


            Tower Bridge


                        The Tower Bridge Tour  (5 minutes)


                                    Tower Bridge Engineering Tour  (4 minutes)

                                    Yeah, but what about London Bridge?  9 minutes)


            Hyde Park

                        Profile Paper (with links)


St. Paul’s Cathedral visit

            History of St. Paul’s w/floor plan map (paper)

            St. Paul’s Cathedral  (8 minutes)


Tower of London visit

            Bloody Tower of London  (43 minutes)

            Map of Tower (paper)