Redimete Diem!

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
making the most of the time, because the days are evil. (Eph. 5:15-16, ESV)

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Various Historical

and Doctrinal Courses


The Inquirer's Class - A survey of all the basic doctrines of the Christian faith as well as those distinctive to historic Presbyterianism.

Leadership College

Survey of the Bible

Christian Education Classes

    1)   Bible

            Survey of the Bible

                Part 3 - Wisdom Literature


    2)   Church History: The Apostolic Church (Course outline)

           1) Intertestamental Period - 1                           8) Racial Character - 2

           2) Greece                                                          9) Paul - Person

           3) Intertestamental Period - 2                         10) Paul - Work

           4) Rome                                                           11) Jerusalem Council

           5) Christ                                                           12) Rome and Nero

           6) Apostles and Prophets                                13) Fall of Jerusalem

           7) Racial Character - 1                                    14) John

                                                                                   15) Ecclesiology


     3) A Modern-Day Tour of the Cities of Paul's 2nd Missionary Journey (2016)          PowerPoint


     4)   Church History: The Ante-Nicene Church (Course outline)

          1) Introduction: Our View of History                         10) Other Worthy Documents

          2) Introduction (cont): Our View of Philosophy        11) Early Transmission

          3) Introduction (concl): Our View of Events             12) The Doctrine of Christ

          4) The Spread of the Gospel                                   13) The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

          5) The Roman Empire                                             14) The Church & Her Worship

          6) Persecution & Apology                                        15) The Church & Her Worship (cont.)

          7) The Rise of Heresy                                              16) World Changes

          8) Church Becomes Organized                                17) The Church & Her Politics

          9) Christian Writings                                                 18) The Nicene Council

                                                                                           19) Church Changes


    5)   Church History: The Fourth Century: Constantine to Augustine


    6)  Church History: The History of Presbyterianism in the United States


    7)   Doctrine: History and Survey of the Westminster Confession of Faith (2020-21)


    8)  Doctrine: Survey of the Heidelberg Catechism


    9)  Doctrine: Let's Read The Institutes of the Christian Religion, by John Calvin, (2018)


    10)  Gospel: The Gospel of John



David G. Barker