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Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
making the most of the time, because the days are evil. (Eph. 5:15-16, ESV)

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The History of Presbyterianism

in the United States


Course Outline    Master Timeline    Presbyterian Family Tree

A Historical Presbyterian Blog (last update, 6/8/2015)

I.  The Broader Picture

    A.  The Contextual Landscape (1683-1859)

            Lecture        PowerPoint

    B.  Higher Criticism Comes to America (1700s-1907)

            Lecture        PowerPoint        Fundamentals, Vol. 1.1

    C.  Darby & the Origin of Dispensationalism (1827-1845)

            Lecture        PowerPoint

II.  Centuries of Change

    A.  A Survey of 18th c. Presbyterianism

            Lecture        PowerPoint        Awakenings Chart

    B.  The Second Great Awakening (1790-1840)

            Lecture        PowerPoint        Christian History Magazine

                                                        Issue 45 (Vol. XIV, No. 1)

    C.  Charles Finney (1792-1875)

            Lecture        PowerPoint

III.  A Determined Unbelief (Part 1)

    A.  Evolution as Theory (1809-1882)

            Lecture        PowerPoint

II.  Centuries of Change (cont.)

    D.  A Survey of 19th c. Presbyterianism

            Lecture        PowerPoint

IV.  The Fire and Sword of Dispensationalism

    A.  Dispensationalism Comes to America (1862-1909)

            Lecture        PowerPoint

    B.  Dispensationalism Spreads Rapidly (1876-1924)

            Part 1

            Lecture        PowerPoint

            Part 2

            Lecture        PowerPoint

    C.  The Scofield Bible

            Lecture        PowerPoint

    D.  The Specifics of the Doctrines

            Lecture        PowerPoint

    E.  Dispensationalism Infects Presbyterianism

            Lecture        PowerPoint

V.  The Fundamental Religion

    A.  The Rise of Fundamentalism (1865-1924)

            Lecture        PowerPoint

    B.  Fundamentalism Becomes Militant (1914-1923)

            Lecture        PowerPoint

III.  A Determined Unbelief (continued)

    B.  Evolution as Theater - The Scopes Trial (1925)

            Lecture        PowerPoint        Christian History Mag.

                                                           Issue 55 (Vol. XVI, No. 3)

VI.  Modernism

    A.  From Princeton to Westminster (1923-1929)

            Lecture        PowerPoint

    B.  The Crisis in Presbyterian Foreign Missions (1924-1935)

             Lecture        PowerPoint

    C.  The Conservatives Divide While The Modernists Unite (1935-1937)

             Lecture        PowerPoint

    D.  Reform from Within?

             Lecture        PowerPoint

    E.  Postmodernism: Neo-Orthodoxy & Ecumenism (1919-1967)

             Lecture        PowerPoint

III.  A Determined Unbelief (conclusion)

    C.  Evolution as Propaganda - Inherit the Wind  (1955, 1960)

             Lecture        PowerPoint

VII.  Recovering Lost Ground

    A.  From PCUS to PCA (1865-1973)

            Lecture        PowerPoint

    B.  The "Split-Ps" and "The End of the Civil War"

            Lecture        PowerPoint

   C.  A Return to Orthodoxy?

            Lecture        PowerPoint

Appendix: Congregational Singing in the Presbyterian Tradition

            Lecture        PowerPoint




David G. Barker