Redimete Diem!

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,
making the most of the time, because the days are evil. (Eph. 5:15-16, ESV)

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Studies from the Gospel of Matthew


The Beatitudes, Matthew 5-7

          Matthew 5:6     Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness:

                                            Having a Passion for Christ, Summer, 2016

The Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:5-15, Summer/Fall, 2017

Psalm 73 - What is Prayer?                   

Matthew 6:9a - Our Father                      Matthew 6:11 - The Place for Petitions

Matthew 6:9b - Calling on Holiness        Matthew 6:12 - Living Our Prayers

Matthew 6:10a - Who Rules?                  Matthew 6:13a - Huh?

Matthew 6:10b - Hesoever Wills             Matthew 6:13b - From Myself!

Matthew 6:10b - Wrestling with God      Matthew 6:13c - Amen

                                     Daniel 9:1-19 - A Prayer of Daniel

                             2 Chronicles 1:1-13 - A Prayer of Solomon

                                        Psalm 51 - A Prayer of David

                                Mark 9:14-29 - The Prayer of a Father


Aspiring to Kingdom Greatness, Matthew 18:1-35, Winter/Spring, 2009

   Part 1: Personal Humility                                        Part 2: Lift Up One Another

  1.   Matthew 18:1-4       Be Like a Child!          6.   Matthew 18:15      Just Between Us

  2.   Matthew 18:5           Welcome a Child!      7.   Matthew 18:16a    Who Needs to Know?

  3.   Matthew 18:6-7       Train a Child, part 1    8.    Matthew 18:16b   Choosing the Right Help

  4.   Matthew 18:7-9       Train a Child, part 2    9.    Matthew 18:17a    Issues Before the Church

  5.   Matthew 18:10-14   Respect a Child        10.   Matthew 18:17b    Who Is the Church?

                                                                          11.   Matthew 18:17c    Tell the Church What?

                                                                          12.   Matthew 18:17-18  What's Really Going On?

                                                                          13.   Matthew 18:18       Loosing the Bound

                                                                          14.   Matthew 18:19-20  The Power of Restoration

                                                                          15.   Matthew 18:21-22    What's the Point

                                                                                                                          of Forgiveness?

                                                                           16.  Matthew 18:23-27  What's the Point

                                                                                                                          of Being Forgiven?

                                                                           17.  Matthew 18:28-35  Responding to Grace




David G. Barker