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Helen Tannehill Keys
A hundred years from now it will not matter when or where I was born or what degrees or organizations I belonged to or what my bank account was, or the sort of house I kept, or what a “good person” I was … but rather, what a godly heritage I left for my family and what kind of a witness I was for my Lord and king, Jesus Christ. Whether I was a true lighthouse that warned of our natural sinful condition and the wiles of the Devil; whether I consistently pointed all to Jesus as the only Savior from sin; whether I demonstrated that only through His Holy Spirit can one come to believe and to know assuredly the blessedness of forgiveness and regeneration so that one reflects and faithfully produces spiritual fruit to God’s honor and glory. It will be important, too, that I stood firmly on the inerrancy of the Bible as the only foundation for life lived in the here and now and that I held confidently to the promise of God’s preparation of his own to enjoy eternal, blessed, heavenly fellowship with Jesus who is that True Light … FOREVER! Oh, help me, Lord, to serve You well … and to live a life so true that when I die my friends may say “her life spoke well of You!” “I will go in the strength of the LORD!” (Ps. 71:6) STRAIGHT AHEAD! Heaven is a bonus … not something I deserved! It’s all of grace!! In Heaven, with Jesus as His elect, I am assured of a glorified body like His … eternal, imperishable and fitted for that heavenly order. I’ll be given Christ’s robe of righteousness (that’ll fit) in exchange for the earthly garb of sin that encumbered me all my life here on earth. I always bore the name Christian because I belonged and followed Christ. But I’m promised a new name in heaven that I’m looking forward to! I won’t have to ask “Why?” because I’ll know as I am known. I’ll be able to join the heavenly choir to sing God’s praises on key. I’ll be able to feast at God’s table on His choice fare with delight. I’ll recognize my family and friends and thrill to see my grandbabies who made it there ahead of me. It’s been worth the wait. Praise His name! Janet's words about her mother for the funeral, April 3, 2015 Helen's own testimony just days before her death (pending).
David G. Barker |